Category: Skin Care Tips

How Fast Does Accutane Start Working? What to Expect.


accutane start working

Suffering from skin problems, especially acne, is a long-term fight for recovery and getting back to healthy skin. If you are suffering from acne or you have suffered from acne, you must have known about the struggle to get rid of the most stubborn pimples and marks of acne. However, Accutane start working, also known as isotretinoin, is an effective remedy for severe acne, even when all other treatments have failed, but this treatment is not immediate. Now, the question is how long will Accutane start working. People fighting with severe acne want to get the cure immediately or any delay in relief from acne after the treatment gives them stress and that stress again causes acne breakouts.

Before starting your treatment plan with Accutane, if you want to know How fast Accutane starts working and what Accutane’s effectiveness timeline is, read this blog. This blog explains the complete Accutane treatment progress to get rid of Acne.

What is Accutane?

Before you get to know about Accutane results duration, let us understand what Accutane actually is and how it is effective for your acne treatment.

Accutane, the chemical name Isotretinoin, is basically a derived component of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for skin, nails, and eyes and so is Accutane. It affects acne by decreasing sebum (skin oil) production, which is a major cause of acne breakouts.

Accutane Start Working

How does Accutane work? 

Acne is basically inflammation in skin pores caused by the bacteria Acne Vulgaris. It is majorly caused when there is clogging of your skin pores. Sebum, the oil secreted from the skin,  clogs the skin pores and thus promotes bacterial growth, causing acne. Accutane decreases this oil production from the skin. By reducing sebum production, Accutane decreases clogging of skin pores, and thus reducing bacterial growth and preventing inflammation of skin pores.

How Fast Does Accutane Start Working?

Accutane is not a very long-term treatment, let’s say, it usually does not extend more than 9 months but Accutane’s onset of action is also not very rapid. As stated by the NHS, people taking Accutane treatment will first see their Acne getting bad, but they will start seeing positive results after one week. However, most people get total relief from Acne within 4 – 6 months.

Accutane effectiveness timeline:

The complete Accutane therapy is not a smooth ride, but it’s a roller coaster ride consisting of different phases from worsening of the symptoms to clearer skin. The complete journey of 6 months can be explained as different phases:

The First Week of the Treatment:

Well, the first week is sort of a neutral phase, because there are no significant changes in the first week after using Accutane (Isotretinoin). In the first week, Accutane is just saying hello to your body, and your body is trying to meet this new guest.

Using a moisturizer will help improve Accutane’s effectiveness.

The Scary Phase of the Treatment (Weeks 2-4):

This second phase is a bit scary because you will experience worsening of the acne symptoms. You might feel that Accutane is causing even worse acne breakouts but this is crucial to stay calm and persistent. Accutane is just cleaning your skin, causing worsening of the symptoms before vanishing them. Just stick to your treatment plan and give Accutane it’s time to work.

The Second Month

This is a phase of hope because you will start seeing some improvements in the reduction of acne. There are no more new acne breakouts and you will feel that your medicine is working.

Accutane Start Working

The Phase of significant improvement:

This phase, during 3-5 months is a continuous phase, full of good news, because you will notice significant improvements in your acne. Acne pimples and nodules will start diminishing. Keep following a good and healthy skincare to get good results.

Getting Clear Skin

By the sixth month, most of you will get clear or somewhat clear skin. Your skin will be free of acne breakouts. You will feel significant improvement in skin tone and skin feel. After this 6-month treatment, you will get rid of Acne and acne breakouts.

However, this does not work for all persons. Some patients may need longer duration treatment courses, depending on their acne and skin condition.

You must keep consulting your dermatologist to get a complete cure and to avoid any recurrence, or skin sensitivity problems.

Acne treatment is not just a treatment but also a question of your patience and persistence. Keep your hopes high, adhere to Accutane treatment progress, and keep consulting your dermatologist. For more guidance about how to keep your skin healthy and glowing, keep reading the latest post on classycosmetics.

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